‘Tis the (Engagement) Season!
Everyone knows the four seasons, but do you know about the fifth one? Here in the jewelry world, we refer to it as “engagement season”. Also known as “proposal season”, it is that time of year, typically between Thanksgiving and Valentine’s Day (think holidays!) when a flurry of proposals take place. Not to be confused with “wedding season”, which is also a thing and usually takes place between spring and fall, this season can mean different things depending on the parties involved. During engagement season, you are either the one preparing to ask, or the one preparing to be asked. Keep reading to see how you can be prepared if you are approaching this season in your life!
The Social Media Spark of Engagement Season
We have all witnessed it: our social media feed blowing up with diamond-studded well-manicured fingers, bended knees, and sometimes, adorable pets declaring “my pawrents are getting married!”. If you pay enough attention, you’ll notice these posts usually pick up in frequency during the holidays and into Valentine’s. It makes a ton of sense when you think about it: what better time to pop the question than when you are surrounded by family and friends and have the backdrop of autumn leaves, twinkle lights on trees, or that romantic dinner for two at a restaurant you booked months in advance? Engagement season doesn’t just happen to a person, though; it requires thought and planning in order to celebrate it to its fullest. And don’t forget, it will look slightly different depending on your “role” in this season.

Preparing for Engagement: Being on the Same Page
If you are the person heading into engagement season by popping the question, the first thing you want to make sure of is that you are on the same page as your partner. This page should include all the big topics such as kids, finances, down to making sure both of you want marriage in the first place. Knowing the right time to move into engagement season is key for both parties involved.
Choosing the Ring and Planning the Proposal
If you’re the party planning on proposing, it might feel automatic to go searching for rings as quickly as you can but there are few things to consider before you hit the stores. We have a ton of great blogs that will help when it comes to selecting a ring, choosing a jeweler, and what to look for in a diamond, but the most important thing you should consider is whether or not your future spouse wants to be involved in the ring selection process. Even if you are trying to surprise them, it’s important to be a direct as possible so as to avoid the potential disaster of excluding them.
Budgeting for the Big Moment
Entering engagement season means time to start budgeting. Just like engagement season is different than wedding season, an engagement budget is different than a wedding budget. You’ll need to not only save for the ring, but any extra costs that go into the actual proposal. Do you want vendors, i.e., a photographer, DJ, florist, or caterer to help you nail the perfect moment? You’ll need to take into account the wants and desires of the person you’re proposing to, as well. After all, asking someone to commit to a life together takes two. Bear in mind the minute details, such as the fact that the ring may not fit properly at first and that is ok. Come armed with ring sizers and decide if you need to discreetly hint to your spouse-to-be that they should get a manicure.
Preparing as the One Being Proposed To
If you’re the one being proposed to, you also have to plan. Even if you don’t know when the day is coming, make sure you’ve discussed the potential of a proposal and that’s what you both want. If you want more of a say-so in the proposal or ring selection, let it be known. After all, communication is key in marriage but should be well established before then. Consider if you want to have a speech in response to the proposal. If you’re in the know of the exact date, consider how you want your appearance to be in the pictures that will inevitably ensue.
Enjoying the Moment and Planning Ahead Together
For both parties heading into engagement season, after you’ve asked, after you’d said yes, take a moment and bask in your togetherness. Discuss how you plan to announce. You don’t have to rush into a decision but consider wedding dates, as when you get engaged may affect when you decide to get married. Last but never least, enjoy this season for as long as you can.