Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day
Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day

Each year you wrestle with the same question: What do you get Mom? It would take forever to list all the things she’s done for you, and that’s not even counting the things you don’t know about! Literally from day one, Mom has been giving to you. So, what could you possibly give her?

Mother’s Day has its beginnings in rather dark times in our country. Julia Ward Howe, the writer of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic, wrote “The Mother’s Day Proclamation” in 1870. During the Civil War, she called upon mothers to come together and protest the “senselessness of sons killing the sons of other Mothers.” Howe’s hope was to have a day when Mothers would unite and celebrate peace and motherhood. It took until 1911 before all states in the U.S. would recognize Mother’s Day, and President Woodrow Wilson would make the proclamation of a national holiday official in 1914. Today, practically every country on the planet has an observation for Mom.

These days, we acknowledge Mother’s Day with breakfast in bed, her favorite flowers, and beautiful jewelry. Here are some great Mother’s Day ideas from us to your Mom:

On May 9th, our Alverser store will be hosting a David Yurman Shopping Event, a great place to find the ultimate Mother’s Day gift. From New York City, David Yurman is America’s foremost luxury jewelry and timepiece brand. This jewelry brand brings a timeless model of inspiration, innovation, and consummate craftsmanship to everything they create.

David yurman bracelets

Another popular Mother’s Day gift idea includes a unique piece from a wide array of our Estate jewelry, from modern brands to one-of-a-kind vintage and antique pieces. Whatever style your Mom loves, we’re sure you’ll find that one piece that she will treasure forever!

BLue gemstone and diamond estate ring